notJustdev - React Native Mastery

notJustdev - React Native Mastery

Master the Tech Stack behind the top apps

React Native v0.74

Expo v51

Expo Router v3

Typescript v5

Zustand v4

Gesture Handler v2

Reanimated v3

Tanstack Query v5


By the end
of this course you will:

Feel confident in your React Native skills

Build 7 fully functioning mobile apps for IOS & Android

Prepare your portfolio with real-world apps

Project-Based Learning

The best way to learn, is to get your hands dirty with the technology. During the course, you will build 7 production-ready apps that you can add to your portfolio.

Digital Business Card

Build your first app and learn the React Native & Expo Fundamentals

Quiz App

Master data management with Props, State, Contexts by building a fun Quiz app

Camera App

Use platform APIs and build a digital photo-booth app

Multi-Step Forms

Manage complex multi-step Forms with data validation

Fitness App

Build a Local First app with Global State Management


Get started with Reanimated and Gesture Handling by building a fun game

Ultimate Social Media

Use everything you learned to build a complex social media app

Remote Data Fetching with TanStack Query

Advance Expo Router for Web and Mobile

Push Notifications

Last Updated: 2024-11

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