Have you been coding CSS for some time, but want to take your game to the next level? Do you feel confused with CSS jargon like inheritance, specificity, or the cascade?
What if there was one resource, one place, where you could learn all the advanced and modern CSS techniques and properties you've been reading about?
Good news: there is!
Welcome to "Advanced CSS and Sass", the most advanced, the most modern, and the most complete CSS course on the internet. It's everything you want in an advanced CSS course, and more.
You will learn complex CSS animations, advanced responsive design techniques, flexbox layouts, Sass, CSS architecture, fundamental CSS concepts, and so much more.
Like in all my courses, you will build beautiful and carefully designed projects, that will make you proud of yourself and leave you ready to build complex projects on your own.
After finishing this course, you will:
1) Be up to speed with the most modern and advanced CSS properties and techniques;
2) Have mastered the cutting-edge layout technologies Flexbox and CSS Grid;
3) Be ready to build responsive layouts for all kinds of devices and situations;
4) Truly understand how CSS works behind the scenes;
5) Be able to architect large CSS codebases for reusability and maintainability using Sass.
Please note that this course is NOT for absolute beginners, so you should already be at an intermediate level in HTML and CSS (please check out my other course if that's not the case).
This course is massive, coming in at 28+ hours. Here is exactly what you will learn:
Why should you take this course?
So you saw that the course is absolutely full-packed with content. But maybe you're still not sure if you should actually learn advanced CSS?
That's probably because CSS is so easy to get started with. In fact, most developers highly underestimate the importance and power of CSS. But nothing could be further away from the truth!
CSS is what makes our design come to life. And there is so much we can do with it! Mastering advanced techniques like flexbox, CSS grid, and animations, will give you an edge over many CSS developers out there who still use outdated methods.
Plus, CSS can become a real nightmare when you try to master it, and when you have to maintain large projects. So having a good grasp on fundamental concepts is an absolute must for any serious front-end developer.
And this course will help you with all that!
So, should you take this course? The answer is most likely a big YES!
And I packed so much content into this course, that no matter if you're just starting out, or if you're already an experienced front-end developer, there is definitely gonna be something for you in this course.
And this is what you get by signing up today:
If you're still with me at this point, then please watch the promo video to take a look at the course projects, and I promise you will be amazed :)
After that, I hope to welcome you as a new student in my course. I'm sure you're gonna love it!
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